Salon of Urban Architecture

A collective for the study and practice of urban architecture in the heart of Florence

The Salon of Urban Architecture (S/UA) is an umbrella for research, practice, and engagement with urbanism and urban architecture.

We bring together practitioners, researchers, educators, students, and the general public around explorations of the interrelationship between architecture, the creation of public space, urban structure, and the systems that inform them.

The salon, a gathering of people for intellectual exchange, was introduced in Italy in the 16th century. This tradition continues at S/UA with lively conversations around urbanism with international guests, a glass of wine, and incomparable views of one of the great international examples of urban design, Florence.

Request an invitation.

  • S/UA offers dedicated courses for practitioners, students, and enthusiasts.

    Request information.

  • Events and publications examining the design, history, context, and systems that inform and define the physical expressions of our urban environment.

    The Reading Room at S/UA is a centre of research for visiting professionals, scholars, and students.

    More information available soon.

  • Led by Karin Templin, S/UA investigates and proposes design solutions for changing urban conditions around the world, with a focus on Europe and the UK.
